A lawyer practising since 2012, Anne Zimmerer joined Adven at its incorporation in 2014. Anne is a partner and is in charge of the Mulhouse office. Her dual training in public law (contracts and public works) and private law (urban planning, construction, real estate) gives her dual private-public expertise in these fields.
Anne specialises in construction law (public and private project owners), real estate law (and co-ownership) as well as urban planning and development law. Anne also provides consultancy in healthcare law (specifically on issues of administrative authorisations to practise: creating, consolidating and transferring pharmacies).
As a musician, Anne performs regularly on the local scene and at private events with a group of amateur musicians. Both as a lawyer at Adven and as a passionate musician, Anne stands apart with an assertive personality placed at her team’s service.
Assisted a company (purchaser) in implementing a contract (pre-sale property lease) for the construction of a multiplex cinema (value: M€7.5) to be built into a cultural and commercial complex.
Assisted a local public concessionary of a public urban transport service with a dispute relating to construction law (public and private) (involving the contractual and ten-year liability of the builders and their subcontractors and monitoring the court-ordered expert appraisal).
Assisted a property developer and a non-profit Social and Welfare Economy association network with drafting a pre-sale lease for the creation of a 30-unit service residence for people with disabilities.
Master’s degree II in Contract and Public Works Law (University of Strasbourg)
Master’s degree II in Real Estate, Construction and Urban Planning Law (University of Toulouse Capitole)